api 9 安装ohos/pulltorefresh2.0.1报错误 ohpm install ohos/pulltorefresh2.0.1
ohpm INFO: fetching meta info of package ohos/pulltorefresh
ohpm WARN: fetch meta info of package ohos/pulltorefresh failed - GET https://registry.npmjs.org/ohos/pulltorefresh 404…
MyBatis-Plus 提供了便捷的 Lambda 查询表达式,但它依赖于实体类与数据库表的映射缓存。如果在测试环境中,这些映射未正确初始化,可能导致 can not find lambda cache for this entity 异常。这一问题特别容易在与 Mockito 搭配使用…
项目参考AAAI Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
项目来源AACV Association for the Advancement of Computer Vis…